Data Literacy

Scalable Data Literacy for Organizations

Transform data fear into fluency at scale with our customizable, accredited training programs.

Scalable Data Literacy for Organizations

Helping to Build Critical Skills in:

british airways
Helping to Build Critical Skills in:
knight frank

What is Data Literacy?

Data Literacy refers to the ability to read, understand, create, and communicate data as information. Much like literacy in its traditional sense, data literacy encompasses a set of skills essential for participation and decision-making in a world increasingly dominated by data.

The Business Case for Data & AI Literacy Training in Numbers

Only 21% of the global workforce is fully confident with their data literacy skills.

– PwC


Businesses with the highest level of data mastery, including policies, people, and technology, have a 70% higher revenue per person.

– McKinsey


Data literacy deficiencies inhibit growth and cost employers 43 hours per employee per year in lost productivity – translating to over US$100 billion.

– Gartner


Companies that treat data as a corporate asset and enable data-driven decision-making are 3x more likely to reap the benefits.

– Coursera


89% of C-Suite business leaders expect team members to explain how data has informed their decisions.

– The Data Literacy Project


How Organizations Partner with Kubicle

For Everyone

Deploy our expert-designed training programs across your entire organization effortlessly. Our platform adapts, ensuring everyone, at any skill level, is included in the learning journey.

For Everyone
Customizable Content

Customizable Content for different levels and teams

Tailor learning to fit the unique needs of different teams and roles. Our flexible courses mean relevant, effective training that directly benefits each team member and your business.

Accredited Courses designed by subject matter experts

Gain industry-recognized skills through courses accredited by CPE, CPD, and NASBA. Our high-quality curriculum equips your team with not just knowledge, but valuable credentials.

Accredited Courses

Data Literacy Curriculum:


Enterprise-Grade Features for Comprehensive Management

Kubicle is crafted with the enterprise at its core, offering features for bulk people management, self-service options, and enhanced security. Manage large teams effortlessly, with tools designed for efficient user administration and group learning paths. Our platform prioritizes data protection and privacy, providing a secure environment for your organization’s learning needs. Experience a seamless, scalable solution that grows with your business, ensuring every team member’s learning journey is managed with precision.

Dedicated Support for Your Learning Journey

At Kubicle, your success is our priority. From the moment you join, you’ll be paired with an expert onboarding specialist and a dedicated customer success team. These specialists are committed to guiding you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing the impact of your learning initiatives. Benefit from tailored advice, strategic planning, and ongoing support designed to optimize your organization’s learning experience and outcomes.

Dedicated Support

Ready your organization for the rapidly changing world.

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